Solaris 64-bit RDBMS server patchset error
Ниже оригинальная информация от Oracle:
You are being sent this email because you have downloaded the RDBMS server patchset for Sun Sparc Solaris 64-bit from Some of you may have already been informed about this Mandatory Patch but this second Notification is due to some additional information being added to the alert.
Any customer who has installed or needs to install an Interim patch to a Solaris 64-bit Database installation MUST read this.
Please note that the Solaris 64-bit Patch 5117016 is a MANDATORY PATCH which is required to be installed before installing any other Interim Patches.
If other Interim patches are installed, including Critical Patch Updates (for example CPU July 2006), ALL MUST be rolled back BEFORE applying the mandatory patch. Further details on this issue can be found in ALERT Note 394933.1.
If another Interim patch is already installed and the mandatory patch is applied, the $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver10.a will be corrupt. Note: Rolling back any or all patches will NOT resolve the corruption. Details on resolving this corruption can be found in Note 396649.1.
Simple check: If $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/libserver10.a exists, the mandatory patch has probably not been installed. If you apply a patch and it does not fix your problem, this is probably the cause.
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