OpenWorld 2009 UnConference: Jonathan Lewis -- How to be an Oracle expert
Похоже, что это ускользнуло от нашего человека на OpenWorld, где прошла "альтернативная" конференция под названием UnConference, которая выглядела как несколько свободных комнат, доступных для любых спикеров. Любой человек мог подойти к доске, найти для себя свободный слот, вписать свое имя и название презентации, после чего, собственно, прочитать ее.
На UnConference отметились такие личности как Cary Millsap и Jonathan Lewis, сразу собрав вокруг себя толпу народу. Мне понравилось интервью Луиса после одной такой неформальной сессии под интригующим названием "How to be an Oracle expert":
Начиная с 0:42: ...a good guideline I hope to people to realize that you don't have to do amazingly difficult things to become very very informed about how Oracle is working.
- For example?
- Well, a point I suggested was that, really, in many ways Oracle hasn't changed astonishingly since about Oracle 6. Now this, of course, isn’t gonna sign very very good cd marketing system, but there’s a kernel of activities that goes on inside Oracle which was built-in, and built brilliantly in Oracle 6, and to very large extend, most what goes around Oracle is taking advantage of that kernel. And whatever sorts of problems you’re likely to see, a huge fraction of them can be covered or can be investigated, interpreted on the basis to understanding that kernel of activity. Which is, essentially, we fire an SQL to the database, we do some locking in the database, we have network traffic, we have disk traffic, we generate undo and redo and that’s about it. And the competition for resources, the activity that goes on as we interpret the statement or as we’re trying to find the right data, the nature of the work that you do is always the same sort of thing, whether it’s just a simple SQL statement or it’s some wonderful extra feature that Oracle has added on such as Advanced Queuing, perhaps, or Change Data Capture, which uses that kernel of activity in order to produce a more sophisticated and a more powerful add-on to Oracle.
Вот такой он, наш Oracle :^)
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